Pustakawan 14: Kami bukan penjaga barang anda... harap maklum!

PAAAAGGGG....Amek ko sebijik....geram sangat dah ni...

-maaf ayat manglish-
Kenapa saya marah-marah?.. 
Mau tak marah... sakit hati dengan perangai mak bapak pelajar dan pelajar sendiri...

Hari kejadian: Isnin 8/2/2014 - Jam 4.20ptg - waktu Perpustakaan ditutup
Telefon berbunyi... ikutkan hati tak nak angkat,.. tapi angkatla jugak...

Nada suara pemanggil macam nak marah-marah...dan dia bercakap:

"Dear Library staff, there is a student left his bag in library (ok.. dengar lagi...) LAST THURSDAY (4/12/204) (masa ni dah hangin dah.. dalam hati ckp "Khamis lepas???) when he came next day morning (Friday), he found his bag but his PHONE is NOT in the BAG (cakap dalam hati: "wtf...f***.. so what??? what do you expect???") , the parents are angry because the phone is LOST.." (masa ni mulut tak tahan dah.. terus je cakap)

"Then what?" I said and I continue..."If we found, we already sent to you.. we don't keep student belongings here, especially when it happens LAST WEEK!" "Ingat kami nak ambil ke?, nak simpan kat library, Bos dah ajar kami, benda-benda macam ni kami tak simpan semalaman?"
"No...la... in case if you found..." she said
"Last week it took happens... sah sah la tak ada... hari ni tak ada pun telefon tu... it's already gone... titik...!"
"I cannot say like that to parents..." she added.. <-What's her point at here?..
"???" my jaw dropped. Does student belonging became our jobs.. we have to find like search and rescue team finding stupid student phone whose stupidly left in the library last week...

This is not the first time happens, last year a girl do the same thing, and her phone also lost, together with her money in the purse.. they blame US.. parents, Lost and Found department staff and that sily girl... they just pointing their finger to LIBRARY STAFF because it happen in LIBRARY... they asking us for millions of time in hoping like we will turn in the phone, treat us like a thief with your poker face.

Ingat kitorang hadap sangat telefon korang tu... setakat korang beli pakai duit mak bapak korang, kami tak heran la... kami ada telefon kami sendiri.. pakai duit kami sendiri.. sangap sekali pun kami tunggu bonus dan pergi beli... bonus kami banyak tau!


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